Friday 23 March 2012

Week 02 - 1

The City walk was taken on two attempts. On the first attempt it was too rainy too continue so only made it down Alice Street.

The second attempt was taken by arriving by bus from King George Square. The journey took me through the Queen Street Mall down past the Post Office and through to the Riverside Centre. From there I followed the boardwalk around to the Howard Smith Wharves.

 The story bridge has quite a strong presence over the site and is quite an iconic Brisbane structure. The heritage listed sheds and buildings are quite small compared but are quite a strong feature of the site none the less.

 The Cliffs give a unique feel to the space being bounded by limits of all sides, the other being the river. The space is quite large and unkempt as of late but this adds to the feel and long history of the site.
 The views here really show the contrast between the heritage buildings and the modern towers of the CBD.

Overall the experience of journeying to the Howard Smith Wharves and the taking in of the presence of the site itself was an eye opener. Brisbane is becoming quite a diverse city with many different precincts and places to explore. The Wharves being a rare piece of waterfront property, gives immense opportunities for what is possible to be built there. I believe that the site is an extremely important part of Brisbane and its Strong history is something that should be preserved and celebrated.

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