Friday 23 March 2012

Week 03

This week the design had to be fully resolved in order to be ready to present in week 04.

The design was fully refined to the following plans:

The plans can be explained through the experience of the user. Firstly in keeping with our theme of historical appreciation and in direct reference to the air raid shelters the first floor is an enclosed area with internal walls directing the user to specific viewpoints. These viewpoints all prompt the user to view and contemplate a piece of Howard Smith Wharves history. The experience is made interactive by sliding panels on the left hand side of the first level that when moved by the user create an aperture that moves to a different view. 

The first level of the design is largely enclosed, responding the feeling one would get from entering on of the bunkers. as the user moves up through the design the Folie opens up slightly, the views captured on this level are focused on the more modern elements of the site and Brisbane as a whole. When one continues further onto the top terrace level the panorama of the site and city that one views is to represent the viewing of the city and site as a whole entity that is connected.

Details of the sliding View Panels.

The team decided to work on elements that could be used in the posters for the next week. 

The list of elements were:

Site Map 1:1000
Floor plans 1, 2, 3, 1:50
2 x Elevations 1:50
2 x Sections 1:50

From Drawings:

2 x Perspectives
Development Sketches

Diagrams (site):

Nolli Map
Sun Path
Existing Pedestrian Movements

Diagrams/ details (folie):

Views Out
User Experience/ Access
Sliding Panels
Sun Access


4x Photo Montages
Images of site + raid shelters
Poster Layout

Written (paragraphs about the):


Some idea for the poster layout were taken from thee posters that were part of the Evolo Skyscraper Competition at

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