Wednesday 9 May 2012

Week 10

Searching For a metaphor.

After the submission last week a stronger metaphor was needed for the Howard Smith Wharves proposal so I began researching into new areas. A few issues with the project were that the concept of the building, having chambers with differing climates inside, could be placed anywhere, it was not tied closely enough with the Howard Smith Wharves. Another issue was how was the top of the cliffs to be connected with the bottom - one of the most important issues I feel for a successful Building. After having trouble with trying to find a metaphor in nature that was linked with the site and that was a function of a specific plant or animal I decided an "ecosystem" rather than an individual organism would be sufficient to 1; be a suitable metaphor to incorporate into a building form, 2; be a suitable catalyst and topic for learning and 3; be a way of connecting the top of the cliff to the bottom.

Some research into "Closed Loop" systems found a company in Chicago called "The Plant" which uses a industrial building in the middle of the city to house a farm that is a net-zero energy and zero waste system. They grow plants, fish, tea and brew beer all with zero waste. They use a special an anaerobic generator to produce electricity that runs on human, food and fish waste. this in turn powers the grow lights for the plants and heats the building. here is a diagram of their system.

How can these aspects be incorporated into a building. A building that was in the shape of a loop where people learnt about closed loop zero-waste systems that had a restaurant attached that used the food produced in the farm.

A few concepts were drawn up:

The first concept focused on a loop that wound across the cliff face which joined up to a series of chambers that each housed one aspect of the closed loop system, such as plant room, fish room, tea room etc.

The second concept I wanted to encapsulate the idea of a loop more strongly without breaking it up with separated buildings or an obvious lift shaft.

Plan View

South Elevation

Isometric View

This is a base concept where I will continue to resolve in order to accommodate space for the room with the separated room and restaurant. her issues to consider is how to successfully implement the learning aspects to the building.

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