Wednesday 16 May 2012

Week 11

This week saw the creation of a model that could be tweaked in order to act as a base for experimentation with form and function. As discussed last week the metaphor from nature that was guiding the design was that of an eco-system or a closed loop biological system. I tried to make the model as organic as possible with free flowing shapes and morphing undulations. The Model was created as a mass using a series of sweeps in Revit. A few issues resulted with the form as for many attempts I was not able to add profiles to the sweep. In the end the profiles of the arced sweeps were able to be changed but not for the vertical pathways.
3D View

Plan View

Front Elevation

Back Elevation

Side Elevation

There are still some issues with the design that will be have to worked out. For example more space is needed in the lower portion of the arc shape as this will be the area that houses the main functional spaces of the building. Secondly the vertical portions need to be tweaked to be able to accommodate a vertical lift shaft. Currently they come too far out from the cliff and would not work housing a lift. The issues that were encountered with modelling on Revit could be resolved maybe by modelling in Rhino 3d. Some experimentation into different programs will be done.

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