Wednesday 18 April 2012

Week 07

This week we talked further about what was needed for our project 2 submission. More contextual analysis was done in order to inform the

Greater Brisbane:

Shows context of site set against the entire Brisbane City.

Surrounding suburbs:

Shows context of site within the surrounds of the suburbs in close proximity
Gives idea of surrounding uses, people, activities and services.

Public Transport:

Gives an idea of how people get to site, where they are coming from and informs where the main connectios to the site will be.

Activity Nodes/ Proximity:

Informs where people are coming from, who they are and how many of them.
Proximity allows you to see how far away services and activities are and the distance and time it takes to travel to and from.

Pedestrian routes and unfriendly roads:

Informs connections points/ where pedestrians can access.


Informs the main connection points to the site. The main routes that will be taken by pedestrians pre existing and potential pathways.

Entry points:

Studying connections can inform where the most advantageous entry points to the site will be. This includes pedestrian pathways and ferry terminals.

Surrounding Building use:

Commercial, residential, educational, cultural, green space.
Informs type of people and activities in area.


Who will be utilising the site? Based on activites, uses, proximity, connections etc.
Students, elderly, fitness users, couples etc.

Site Features:

Historical - Story Bridge, Sheds, Bunkers, wharves, narative, legacy
Natural - River, Cliffs, vegetation, wildlife
Structural - Ruins, semi built structures, industrial buildings, fences
Views - in and out of wharves
Site colours and textures

Social and cultural issues:

Cultural/ learning institutions
Pre-existing plans for wharves
What people want from site
Growing communities

Climate of Brisbane:

Sun angles/shadows, temperature, rain days
- gives idea of climatic conditions that building needs to withstand.

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