Wednesday 25 April 2012

Week 08

This week saw the development of ideas and parameters to add on to the analysis that had already been undertaken. In addition to the analysis done last week exemplar projects were researched in order to form a decent concept and direction for the proposal.

Firstly the function of the proposal was contemplated. Recently a design competition was held for the St. Petersburg Pier in florida U.S.A. There were many proposals that were worthy of mention, in particular the entry by the firm BIG titled The Wave.

The form of this building is interesting but what was most interesting was the program that they proposed for it. As the building is water based BIG broke up the functions of the separate rooms to each house a different state of water.

This diagram shows how the building was broken up into the separate functions. This would be interesting to play with this concept of divided programs.

Another project that was studied was the eden project, which uses sustainable methods to control the climate that is inside the geodesic domes. The eden project also has differing climatic conditions separated into different areas. 

Fro the examination of these exemplar projects and the analysis already completed I came up with a rough idea for what the program of the future learning centre was to be. I wanted the centre to be somewhere where people could learn about different the climates of australia and their conservation. This would call for separated rooms or zones that each contained a different climate perhaps resembling this in some way. 

As the concept for the Folie project I worked on was based upon the framing of views as well as the metaphor of a bunker this was important to also be incorporated into the design. In the folie the group used the positioning of concrete walls in order to prompt users to view a certain aperture that would tell a story of the history of the site, this can be replicated with the newer design as well as incorporating the heavy, industrial feel that the bunker had. As we are designing in the group learning from nature i feel that it would be a great contrast to have the solidness of the concrete and bunker metaphor juxta-posed against a fluid and organic form.

When looking for inspiration for the form of the separated climate rooms i came across the work of Renzo Piano and his Tjibaou Cultural Centre.

The organic shape of the centre is a beautiful inspiration as well as being an environmentally sustainable design. When thinking about all the things that I would like to achieve with the function and the form of the building it could potentially look something like this, incorporating the bunker, framed views, the climactic rooms and the organic forms;

Again as the design group that I am in is specifically dealing with the concept of learning from nature it is important that I have a metaphor that is inspired by nature that is present in the design. After researching on I came across some technologies and organisms that have functions that could potentially allow me to control the climates of the particular rooms using natural mechanisms for example;

These two animals the Buprestid beetle and the Bobtail squid (these are not the only animals with this function) are able to use special cells in heir bodies to reflect light of various wavelengths over the spectrum. The ability to reflect light could be harnessed in a building so that harmful rays could be kept out. If some visible light was desired harmful ultraviolet or infrared rays could be targeted to keep out. This could be used to keep the inside of a climactic room cool and would be appropriate for a temperate climate where you are trying to keep heat out.

Desert plants have evolved a function, due to the lack of water in their environment, to inhibit the evaporation of water as well as assist the condensation of moisture from the air by the use of tiny hairs that protrude from their appendages. This could be useful in the reduction of water usage and collection. this could be utilised to keep the interior of a climactic room humid to accommodate a tropical climate.

As we all know plants are inherently green and are so for a very good reason. Plants have a pigment in them that allows them to absorb the energy from the sun. As most people are aware the darker something is the more light energy and therefore heat it will absorb. This could be utilised as a function to absorb heat energy and contain it within a climactic room that was designated as an arid climate, trapping heat to be appropriate for desert plants.

From this point the ideas I have begun to research will be refined in order to present next week. The presentation has an allowance of 5 minutes, is to be diagram based and will be marked against how well each of these criteria have been addressed;

- Folie
- Concept
- Context
- Function
- Tectonics
- Contributory
- Presentation

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