Thursday 5 April 2012

Week 05

This week was the first week where students broke up into their specific theme groups to continue work on the Howard Smith Wharves Design Proposal.


This stage of the proposal serves as an intermediate stepping stone between project 1 - being the Folie and Project 3 - being the Final Design proposal. This stage of the proposal will be Research and an initial design proposal. We will be re-examining the contextual, geographical, social and cultural issues we have found in order to set parameters to be the core interest and focus of the design. These parameters are to refer back to the original Folie design in some way and be specific to the chosen theme group. This stage is not to be a set of generic Site analysis with Students being expected to engage with their own unique research to identify issues beyond what everyone can see as obvious facts.  

THe following are the General Project Guidlines that all students are to abide by as well as The Specific theme group Context:

The Following is the criteria that Project 2 will be marked against:

Learning From Nature Theme Group

The first session went through the main aims of the group to get an understanding of the theme and what students would have to be producing from week to week and finally through to Project 2 submission.

The theme groups would be focussing on how Nature can be used for architectural inspiration in order to achieve better sustainable outcomes.

To do this we will be looking at how nature can be a; Model, a Mentor and a Measure and look at issues and ask, How would nature solve this?

Nature has had a lot of time, approximately 3.8 billion years worth of research to be able to effectively deal with complex issues. Humans being only 200 thousand years old have a lot to learn. More sustainable solutions can be found by studying the ways in which nature has dealt with these problems for literally billions of years.

Architects and designers in recent time have gotten inspiration from nature in order to build sustainable structures. This field of design is sometimes referred to as biomimicry; which is the use of nature as a model in order to solve human problems in a more sustainable way.

Some preliminary research was done into the field of biomimicry. One person in particular, Janine Beynus is a prominent figure in Biomechanics and has done several TED talks on the subject as well as being well published.

In this video Janine talks about how designers are using aspects of nature in order to solve human problems in a range of disciplines, from designing faster and more economical trains, hygiene and bacteria management to solar power harnessing and storage. There is basically no end to the possibilities that can be harnessed from nature.

In This video Janine outlines specifically 12 sustainable ideas that are already occuring in nature and have done for many many years, and how they can  be utilised by humans in order to create sustainable designs.

In Janines talks she mentions an initiative that she has been part of called Ask Nature, a website that scientists and academics can contribute to where the user can simply ask a questions; How would nature solve ....? any problem imaginable. This website is an extremely useful tool to designers who are incorporating sustainable elements into structures and objects.

Tasks For week 6:

Tasks for week 6 will be to re-examine the site and the Folie in order to get a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding the Howard Smith Wharves. This is not asking for general site analysis but to recognise specific advantages and disadvantages of the site, social and cultural issues, geographic and contextual elements and features as well as thinking how these issues can be dealt with with an inspiration coming from nature. These tasks will help to define the parameters that will focus the design proposal.

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