Thursday 5 April 2012

Week 06

Preliminary Research and analysis was done into the Howard Smith Wharves Site to present to the Theme group. The analysis was done as a starting point in order to refine and get even more in depth with analysis.


This map is representing the Public Transport connections that are close to the Wharves, with the Train line in red, the City Cat in Blue and major Bus nodes in Yellow. This serves as a way to locate potential ways to access the site as well as where people would be coming from.


This map zooms in to locate the major activity nodes that are of a close proximity to the site, and where most users would be coming from. It recognises these areas and then locates the trajectories or connections that these users would use. By analysing the nodes of activity that are close by the site you can get an idea of what kind of people would be using the Wharves.


This map is showing the program of the surrounding buildings. Green being residential, red commercial and Blue educational. As you can see there is quite a mix of building uses. again this helps to identify who will be using the site and where they will be coming from.


Once it was recognised where the people would be coming from, this map tries to plot where potential entry points to the site would be located. As the site currently only has one point of entry, in order to create a successful building the site will have to provide better access. The red lines indicate connections to the local streets and pathways, I feel to be successful the site will need at least one form of entry coming from above the cliffs, in the form of an elevator of some sort. The blue lines are potential ferry terminals, as the site is on the river and is directly on the line of the major City Cat route it would be obvious to take advantage of this. The question would be where to place the terminal to be most strategic.


This map was an exercise to better understand how think about a site that is so big. It recognises that there are separate precincts that all have their own qualities and features and also identify more strongly with one of the surrounding suburbs. This information will help in trying to place the building somewhere as well as where connection and trajectory point will be. 


This diagram specifically refers to a concept from Project 1, the Folie aimed to teach people about the site by focusing on particular views that had a historical importance, this shows the directions and proximity to views.


This diagram is showing the angles of the cliffs in the 3 precincts as the cliff changes dramatically in steepness over the site. The diagram is also showing the angles of the Brisbane sun in summer and winter as well as the shadows that are created by the cliffs.  It could be relevant in where to place the building to receive maximum sunlight and/or shadows. 

Further Direction:

These diagrams serve as a starting point in order to work in a direction to identify parameters and eventually a design proposal. More analysis of the social and cultural issues need to be addressed as well as the features of the site itself. What are the advantages and disadvantages, how can nature solve these issues.

Things to think about:


- Greater Brisbane
- Surrounding suburbs
- Public Transport
- Activity Nodes / Proximity
- Pedestrian Friendly / Unfriendly roads
- Connections
- Entry Points
- Surrounding Building Uses, Green Space
- Users
- Geographical Features
- Site Features (Historical, Natural, Structural, Views)
- Social and Cultural issues
- Climate (sub-tropical city) 

These investigations will eventually lead to parameters that will become the design focus towards the conceptual, tectonic, functional and contributory aspects of the proposal.

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